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If you work in advertising you know the battle between online vs. traditional media. You got a budget and have to decide what is best for your brand. But what is best for your brand and how do the KPIs in the mountains differ from the urban area?


Online Marketing has a huge benefit in providing data in comparison to

out-of-home-media, we take that. But when it comes to the actual perception of advertising, OOH is 5 steps ahead. Can you describe the last 3 ads you saw while scrolling on Instagram? Probably not beacuse your brain is programmted to hide every information which is not necassary to prevent an information overload.

Key Performance Indicators are crucial metrics that help advertisers measure the effectiveness of their campaigns. The main objective of advertising is to strengthen the brand's position in the market by creating a connection with customers and developing a sense of trust and loyalty.

Let's explore some relevant KPIs for and how they work in the high alpine terrain.


The reach refers to the total number of people who are exposed to the advertisement. In the high alpine terrain this metric describes the skier days. A day of skiing purchased in a ski area, used to measure the number of skiers in one particular ski area.


Frequency is the average number of times an individual is exposed to the OOH advertisement within a specific timeframe. It complements the reach metric by providing insights into how often the target audience encounters the ad. On the slopes this referes to the lift frequencies.


Dwell time measures the average duration that people spend engaging with an OOH advertisement and in the mountains this metric is different than in urban cities or any other place. In average the target group spends 6 days of 5+ hours skiing, which means full 30 hours and more on the mountain spend per trip. Directly confronted with advertising


Brand awareness and recognition are crucial KPIs for OOH campaigns. Surveys and data analysis can measure the increase in brand recognition and recall among the target audience after the OOH campaign. This metric indicates whether the advertising message is being effectively communicated.

In conclusion, when venturing into the high alpine terrain or any other OOH advertising landscape, understanding and utilizing the right KPIs can make all the difference. By strategically using these metrics, advertisers can strengthen their brand position, forge deeper connections with customers and create lasting impressions that resonate far beyond the mountains. So, whether it's online marketing or out-of-home media, a well-rounded approach that capitalizes on the strengths of each is the key to a successful advertising campaign.



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